本研究係將N/T超細丹尼不織布分別以酸性染料及分散染料行-浴染色後,再經不同種類之固色劑予以固色,接著再行水性PU樹脂含浸及磨毛加工處理而成人造麂皮。其中主要針對固色劑之種類、濃度、溫度及時間的變化對水性PU人造麂皮之物性、染著性及染色堅牢度等項目進行探討。由實驗結果得知,以Luprintan HDF固色劑對水性PU人造麂皮進行固色處理時其效果最佳;且固色加工條件為用量3% o.w.f、溫度60°C、固色20分鐘時可得良好的染色堅牢度。
The colour fastnesses and physical properties of artificial suede treated with fixing agents have been studied. The first N/T microfibre nonwoven fabric was dyed with acid and disperse mixed dyes, then aftertreated with fixing agents and padded with water-based polyurethane, finally through suedings made the fabrics into suede leather. The effects of fixing agent types, concentrations, temperatures and time on physical properties and colour fastness of disperse dyeings for suede would be widely investigated.