濺鍍完成的合金薄膜使用場發射掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM)與原子力顯微鏡(AFM)作薄膜表面的微結構觀察,並利用X光繞射分析儀(XRD)與分析穿透式電子顯微鏡(AEM/EDS)作薄膜晶體結構分析,硬度測試則使用奈米壓痕量測系統(nano-indenter )。
研究顯示,初鍍之TiZrCrNb薄膜與分別經過氮化或氧化之薄膜皆為非晶質結構,鍍膜時間與薄膜厚度成正比關係,可知隨著濺鍍時間增加,薄膜厚度也隨之增加;而同一濺鍍時間下,膜厚與通入之氮/氧流率則呈反比關係,通入之氮/氧流率增加,薄膜厚度隨之下降。TiCrZrNb合金薄膜與其氮化物薄膜與氧化物薄膜相較之下其表面並無太大起伏變化,因氧化膜表面會產生微裂縫。氮化物薄膜及氧化物薄膜之硬度及楊氏係數均較TiCrZrNb合金薄膜小,顯示氮化處理及氧化處理會降低TiCrZrNb合金薄膜的硬度及剛性。 In this study, Ti, Zr, Cr, Nb were selected to produce TiCrZrNb alloy target and deposited the thin films. The thin films were produced by the high vacuum DC sputtering process. Nitrogen or oxygen were used as the reactive gas to deposit the nitride or oxide thin films. By changing the atmosphere of nitrogen or oxygen’s ratio, we regulated the percentage of nitrogen or oxygen of the films to discuss the effect of nitriding and oxidizing on properties of TiCrZrNb film.
The microstructures of the TiCrZrNb thin films were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) , atomic force microscope (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA). Their hardness were also measured by nano-indenter.
All of the as-deposited TiCrZrNb alloy film, nitride film and Oxide film have an amorphous structure. The film thickness increases by increasing the deposition time. But the deposition rates of the nitride or oxide films decreased while the flow rate of nitrogen and oxygen increased.
Comparing the roughness of surfaces, Nitride film were batter then oxide film, because oxide film had cracks. The hardness and modulus of the nitride film and oxide film were smaller then as-deposited film. That meant nitriding and oxidizing of the thin films will reduce their hardness and rigidity.