摘要: | 風水地理之術,古稱堪輿,乃堪天輿地之意,即易傳所稱「在天成象,在地成形」,人稟天地形氣而居則安,逆之則凶。以近代科學而論,不外與地質學、地形學、氣象學、景觀學、人體工學等結合之術,故極具科學之術 。又風水的宗旨就是理氣,即尋找生氣。而有生氣的地方應該是:避風向陽,山清水秀,流水潺潺,草木欣欣,鶯歌燕舞,鳥語花香之地。人們為了營造舒適、美觀的生存環境,還會創造一些人文景觀和人造園林等建築景觀。這些自然形成和人為營造的環境景觀,都會對人類產生種種物理、生理和心理效應。
The art of feng-shui geography, ancient geomancy, is worthy of public opinion to-day meaning that Yi called "In heaven, as, in the land forming" human world qi door to the intrinsic safety, against the then fierce. In terms of modern science, no more than with the geology, topography, meteorology, landscape science, ergonomics, combined with the art, so great art of science. Also the purpose of Feng-Shui is Qi, which look angry. And angry place should be: sheltered sunny, a beautiful, gurgling water, vegetation, Shin, joy of spring, the land of Jade. People to create a comfortable and beautiful living environment, but also to create some garden and other landscape and man-made architectural landscape. These natural and man-made environment created by the landscape, will have all kinds of human physical, physiological and psychological effects.
An urban design, including the construction, landscaping, parks, green space, population density, carrying capacity, environmental conservation theory, the purpose is to create both a good function and quality of urban life. City's spatial planning is the viewpoint of the many different designs, natural design objective is to enable users to feel comfortable, security and convenience, with the feng-shui theory, the stress of the "most suitable for human habitats, location," the same; if Feng-Shui theory from the viewpoint of urban landscape planning, so that integration between the two theories used in urban landscape planning, I believe the future of urban space in the layout allows even more pleasant.
Related literature and theory, through the Feng-Shui point of view of theory of urban landscape planning and design factors, and landscape spatial configuration and pattern. Through depth interviews about living in Beitou District, Taipei City Beitou District, residents of the views of the landscape spatial pattern, Beitou District, urban landscape as a space allocation recommendations for improvement. Last literature review and interviews, to establish a theoretical point of view of the city with feng-shui principles of landscape planning, urban landscape to a more reasonable and more beneficial to the health and physical and mental development, quality of life for the people to meet public expectations. |