產品硏發投資與技術授權是促進技術進步的兩個關鍵因素。然而,現有文獻卻很少對廠商 如何選擇最適產品硏發投資與最適授權策略,以及兩者間的關係與影響等議題進行深入的硏 究與探討。有鑑於此,本計畫將建立一個結合產品硏發投資及技術授權的一般化模型,並藉此 探討在數量(價格)競爭下,授權廠商如何決定最適產品硏發投資量與最適權利金,以及兩家 廠商如何決定均衡數量(價格)等議題。在計畫中,我將依序分析比較各種模型設定下市場均 衡的存在及差異,以期能完整地探討此議題。再者,藉由此計畫,我將更進一步分析當政府對 廠商的硏發投資給予補貼時,政府因應不同市場狀況下如何選定最適的補貼率以達到社會福 利水準極大化的目標。 Product research and development (product R&D) and technology licensing are the key factors, which help technological progress of an economy. When a firm faces both the product R&D and technology licensing in the market, however, few papers focus on the related issues. Therefore, in this project, I propose a general model combining product R&D and various technology licensing policies to analyze how the firm determines product R&D investment, fixed licensing fee or royalty rate, price and quantity in equilibrium, under both Bertrand and Cournot competition. In order to study this issue more clearly, I will systematically analyze the existence of those market equilibriums and the differences between them. Moreover, in aiming at increasing the welfare level in different environments, we will examine the regulator how to choose a optimal R&D subsidies.