摘要: | 臺灣佛教的流布,始自明鄭時代漢人遺民的入臺墾拓,佛寺也逐漸創立。入清後,佛寺的規模,由簡而繁,由單間而多間,由一進而二進而三、四進。到了日治時代,那些年代久遠且頗具規模的佛寺,有的改寺廟式布局為殿堂式建築,有的在主體建築之外,有又加建起高高的佛塔,形成另一特殊的景觀。佛塔建築原不是中國產物,它源於印度,隨佛教傳入中土,佛塔建構也流行一兩千年,隨時代變遷,式樣有密簷塔、樓閣塔、喇嘛塔、覆缽塔、金剛寶座塔等不同形式。建材有木造、石砌、磚造、銅鑄等,平面有圓形、方型、六角形、八角形、圓形等。台灣佛塔多數是磚造樓閣塔,少數有覆缽塔。有的外加平座欄干,可登高遠眺。有的外牆平直,不可攀爬。南北各地寺塔,風格不盡相同。2008年11月,筆者出版了「台灣佛教美術建築篇」,本調查研究便是在此基礎上,作進一步的臺灣佛寺建築調查,選定11座日治時代所建造的佛塔為考察物項,丈量其高度,拍攝其影像,圖繪其外型,記錄塔門上的對聯、題款與裝飾紋樣,確立其建築藝術風格,與使用功能。並就建造的時代背景,以及建塔功德主、入塔設蓮位者等,探討其重要事蹟,以彰顯佛塔在台灣佛教史與台灣建築美術史的地位。
Buddhism in Taiwan started from the Ming Dynasty when Chinese started to cultivate Taiwan. Many Buddhist temples gradually established during the same time. In the Ching Dynasty, the plan and scale of Buddhist temples in Taiwan became more complicated and sophisticated. During the Japanese Colonial Period, some of those historical Buddhist temples changed to more like palace style; some of them added tall Pagoda besides the main buildings. Pagoda did not originate from China but from India. When Buddhism entered into China, the original India Stupa transformed and became Pagoda architecture in China. During two thousand years, the Pagoda in China developed in different styles, including the ones that were close to India Stupa and also the ones that were more like Chinese Pavilions. The materials of Pagoda in China include wood, stone, brick, and bronze. The shape of Pagoda also varied, including square, hexagon, octagon, and circle. In Taiwan, most of the Pagoda is in Pavilion style and made of brick, few of them is in Indian Stupa style. Some of them have balconies with fences so people can climb on it; some of them have flat outer wall only. The styles are different from the South to the North of Taiwan. I have published a book called The Buddhist Art in Taiwan: Architecture in November 2008. Based on this research, I plan to focus on eleven important Buddhist Pagodas that were built during the Japanese colonial period. I plan to measure the scale of them, photograph them, record the couplets and inscriptions on them, and copy the pattern of the decoration of them. Through these field works, it will help us to understand the architectural style and the function of them. Moreover, I will discuss the background of the establishment of these temples, the patronage and their life, in other to understand the role of Pagoda in the history of Buddhism and the history of Buddhist art in Taiwan. |