In the early twelfth century, Jurchens people established the Chin state. Then they overthrew the Khitan state of Liao and Northern Sung state. And rule over large parts of northern China for one hundred years. The period of foreign domination of Chin was regarded as a barbarian by the academic circle. It’s a misunderstanding. In fact, the Chinese culture was still the main stream of Chin culture. There were so many chinese learned men, artists, craftsmen created lots of masterpieces during the Chin dynasty. This study tries to complete the calligraphy of Chin dynasty through the handwritting、stele and literature on the subject. By discussing the important calligrapher’s achievements, ex:Ren-syun、Dang huai-ying、Jhao bing-wun、Wang Ting-yun and Emperor chang-tsung. Try to have a clear understanding about the calligraphy of Chin dynasty.