近年來,網路輔助學習模式已由最初的機械性個人演練單一模式,逐漸發展成較有互動性、社交性、甚至是跨文化的溝通模式,希望藉以增進學習者的學習興趣與成效。在台灣,利用電腦網路進行網路英文輔助教學的方式日益普及,為傳統課堂的教學方法注入了一股新的生命力。然而,電腦輔助英文學習對於大多數的大一新鮮人而言,仍偏重於聽、說、讀、寫技巧等個別層面的訓練,鮮少利用網路溝通的方式,實際與以英語為母語的國外大學生進行網路溝通及對談,將語文學習與生活實用性相互結合,並將跨文化的溝通模式融入於英語課程中,使英語學習更具有互動性與實用性的價值。過往的研究甚少針對運用網路英文輔助教學所涉及的跨文化溝通及英文閱讀策略等方面進行深入探究;因此,本研究將利用文化大學與美國普渡大學所建置的網路互動溝通平台,結合英文閱讀課程,探討大一英文系學生在此一跨文化互動溝通平台中之跨文化討論區,參與學術、文化與生活等層面議題討論的情形,並針對學生將英文閱讀課程中所學習之閱讀策略,實際運用於網路討論區中理解文章的成效,進行深入的了解與分析。本研究的重點為探索學生在網路互動平台系統中,運用英文閱讀策略進行跨文化溝通的情形與成效。因此,研究問題包含:(1)學生在英文閱讀課程中所練習之閱讀策略,對實際參與跨文化溝通之閱讀理解力是否有所助益? (2)學生在閱讀討論區文本(written response)時,網路閱讀策略使用情形為何? (3)學生對網路互動平台中討論主題設計與整體使用之看法為何? (4)在運用網路討論區進行跨文化互動溝通的過程中,學生所面臨之困難與挑戰為何?本研究所採用的研究方法與資料收集方式,包含:(1)英檢閱讀測驗與閱讀策略問卷,針對學生的英文閱讀能力與閱讀策略,進行前、後測,以評估學生使用網路互動平台前後,閱讀能力與閱讀策略是否有所差異;(2)觀察、收集、分析學生網路討論區之文章,藉以瞭解學生的網路互動平台使用情形,(3)利用學生訪談與出聲思考(think-aloud) 法瞭解學生於互動式討論區的英文閱讀策略使用情況;(4)進行問卷調查與焦點小組訪談,以瞭解學生對網路互動平台中討論主題設計與整體使用之看法;及(5)在運用網路討論區進行跨文化互動溝通的過程中,學生所面臨之困難與挑戰等層面。藉由本研究之初步研究成果,可為日後英文閱讀課程提供一個嶄新的學習模式,包含:網路互動平台、閱讀策略、及跨文化溝通學習,藉由國際合作學習的方式,落實「從做中學」的英文教育,除提升學生的英文溝通及閱讀能力外,亦可間接增進學生的國際觀。
Computer assisted language learning technologies have evolved from the focus on “drill and practice” mode to innovations toward trends of a more interactive, social and cross-cultural communication to accelerate learners’ motivation and effectiveness in acquiring and practices of the target language. In Taiwan, integrating web-based learning into curriculum starts to be more prevalent in higher education, adding a new stream of life into the traditional teacher-centered classrooms. Based on this aspect, the researcher seeks to integrate cross-cultural communication into the existing reading curriculum the will facilitate English language learning and motivation for college students. Relatively few research studies were conducted to investigate students’ uses of reading strategies in cross-cultural online discussion forum. Therefore, the researcher will explore English major, freshman students’ use of online reading strategies during their comprehension process of reading online written responses from students of the other cultures; furthermore, to investigate the impact of reading strategy training on facilitation of reading comprehension of the students’ cross-cultural communication experience. Hence, the researcher seeks to answer the following research questions: (1) Does the reading strategy training help students in their reading comprehension on the discussion forum? (2)When reading online written responses, what online reading strategies do Taiwanese students use? (3)What are students’ perceptions and opinions toward the design of cross-cultural communication activity and discussion forum? (4)What are the challenges and difficulties students encounter during the cross-cultural communication experience? Both qualitative and quantative data will be collected: (1) English language proficiency test and online reading strategy questionnaire before and after the research period to compare whether there is a significant difference or not; (2) compile and analyze students’ online written responses to gain an overview of students’ participation, monitor and assist students when communication problems occur; (3) student interviews to collect think-aloud protocol and analyze students’ use of reading strategies while reading online written responses; (4) focus group interviews to gain a general overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the cross-cultural discussion forum; (5) online discussion forum survey distributed during the end of the research will also help generalize and triangulate data analysis and findings of students’ perceptions, challenges, and difficulties of the overall design and experience. Findings from the current research will be significant in shedding light toward the design, implementation and evaluation of a new reading curriculum. Not only will the research help discover student’s uses of online reading strategies while making cross-cultural communication, the impacts resulted from the cross-cultural communication will better prepared students equipped with communication, reading skills and global perspectives.