韓語副詞探微楊人從副詞英文稱ad-verb,顯示其為附屬於動詞之詞素。副詞的功能雖有別於主語、目的語、補語、敘述語等主要成分,而僅屬於附屬、增添、可有可無的成分,但有時候因敘述語的意義特性(meaning feature)關係,必須有副詞(語)來補足其意義,此時副詞 (語)則成為必要成分。鑑於句中副詞必須與其他語法項目共存、共構,方能表示完整意義,又因一般韓語語法書及副詞專書對韓語學習者之需求不盡完備,故有研議之需求動機。韓語時間、場所、程度、樣貌、情態等副詞皆有各自共構需求項目,又因擬態語、擬聲語皆有特定修飾限定對象,也因此有探討其關係的必要。
Looking into the Korean Adverbs Yang, Jentshung Adverb is a word that describes or adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjectives, another adverb, or a sentence. It's not a main element of a sentence structure, but it makes the meaning of a sentence more clear. The position of Korean adverbs is allways before the Verbs. The adverb of time and the adverb of place are generally more free than the adverb of degree and adverb of sentence, adverb of m adality. The adverb of modality go in initial position. Due to the meaning feature, most of the Korean adverbs must match with the other element of sentence. The adverb of time must match with the tense, the adverb of place must match with the existence verbs or the moving verbs, the adverb of modality must match with the proper mood etc. And the most of the adverb of symbol usually modifies only one action. This article is intended to unveil the relationships between the adverbs and verbs especially the adverb of onomatopoeics and the adverb of mimesis.