因應抗生素替代物之需求與生產安全畜產品之重要性,本計畫將利用可表現瘤胃細菌Ruminococcus albus 7 之細菌素albusin B 之酵母菌(Saccharomyces cerevisiae),作為蛋雞飼糧之添加物。利用細菌素之抗菌活性與酵母菌之益生菌特性,組合成具抗生素替代性之綠色飼料添加劑。首先將優化酵母菌生產條件並提升產量,進一步穩定回收率。動物試驗中,由於蛋雞對飼糧添加物之吸收性高,且生產時程較長,試驗將由蛋雞育成期、產蛋前期至產蛋期,以涵蓋蛋雞生產全期72 週之循環。以酵母菌添加濃度為0-0.25%進行餵飼試驗,試驗期每四周進行血液、糞便與雞蛋之樣品收集,藉由分析血液生化值、糞便菌相、產蛋表現與飼糧消化率,探討含細菌素酵母菌長期添加,對於蛋雞健康與腸道菌相之影響。所收集之雞蛋進行蛋品質分析、蛋黃組成分析與抑菌性殘留試驗,探討添加含細菌素酵母菌對蛋品安全與組成分特性之影響。希望透過長期而全面性的研究,瞭解此產品在蛋雞飼糧添加中之最佳濃度與時機,探討藉此添加物生產安全優質蛋品的潛力,並瞭解添加物之穩定性與安全性,以作為未來推廣此產品之重要基本資料。 Owing to the requirement of antibiotic substitute and the importance of safety animal product, this project attempt to apply the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) contain albusin B from Ruminococcus albus 7 as a feed additive for laying hen. We will produce a green feed additive, which combine the antagonistic activity of bacteriocin with the probiotic property of yeast. The first stage of this project will optimize the technological processes of yeast production and stabilize the recovery rate. According to the high absorption ability to feed additive and long production period of laying hen, the feeding experiment will cover 72 week production cycle of laying hen from developer to late lay period. The yeast with bacteriocin will add 0 to 0.25% in basal diet, the sample of blood, feces and egg will collect every four weeks during experiment. The blood biochemical parameters, fecal flora, rate of egg production and diet digestibility will be measure, the data could be applied on investigating the effect of long term addition on laying hen health and gut flora. The egg samples will analysis the egg quality, york composition and its residue antagonistic activity, the data will offer the information of egg safety and product characteristic. Through the long term experiment, we attempt to find out the optimal addition concentration and suitable addition time of this product on laying hen feeding. Furthermore, the potential of this feed additive to produce high quality egg, even the stability and safety of the product will investigate in the project. All data from this project will offer the important basal information for further product application.