目前工業上百頁豆腐多以分離黃豆蛋白為原料,添加沙拉油、澱粉與調味劑後,加以乳化後再蒸煮成形。由於百頁豆腐為台灣近年業者自行發展出之產品,故目前並無相關文獻探討加工條件與分離黃豆蛋白品質對其之影響。故本研究擬針對不同配方與不同分離黃豆蛋白對百頁豆腐品質之影響,以及分離黃豆蛋白在儲存時之變化加以探討。本計畫擬分三年進行。第一年先以市售分離黃豆蛋白為原料,探討適當之百頁豆腐配方。同時對所使用之分離黃豆蛋白分析其蛋白質subunit 分布情況與其功能特性,以了解可製造百頁豆腐原料之蛋白質subunit 分布狀況與功能特性。第二年探討不同萃取條件對分離黃豆蛋白功能特性之影響,以了解適合製作百頁豆腐之分離黃豆蛋白其蛋白質分布,藉以建立製造適合百頁豆腐之分離黃豆蛋白的品管標準。第三年除持續進行第二年未完成之蛋白質分析外,更進一步進行了解儲存對於分離黃豆蛋白及其製成的百頁豆腐品質之影響。 Pai Yei tofu is use soy protein isolate, salad oil, starch and additive mixture as raw material, and emulsifying and steaming to obtain the final product. Since it’s a local product of Taiwan, there are no any research to investigate the effect of processing condition and quality of soy protein isolate to the quality of Pai Yei tofu. The purpose of this investigation are to found out the effect of additive, processing condition and quality of soy protein isolate on the quality of Pai Yei tofu, and the quality change of soy protein isolate during the storage. This research will be continued to three years. The first year are going to use the cormmercial soy protein isolate as raw material to investigate the effect of additive and processing condition on the quality of Pai Yei tofu. Meanwhile, by investigate the distribution of protein subunit and functional properties of the soy protein isolate, it can understand the properly properties of soy protein isolate to manufacture the Pai Yei tofu. The second year are going to investigate the effect to the quality of Pai Yei tofu of the soy protein isolate which were extracted by different conditions, and their protein subunit distribution. The purpose of this year research is going to build up the quality control standard of Pai Yei tofu. The third year are going to continue the protein analysis which are not finished in last year, meanwhile, are going to investigate the effect of storage condition of soy protein isolate on the quality of Pai Yei tofu.