生活型態的變遷導致國人的飲食漸趨向西方飲食習慣,以往所遭遇到的營養不足、飲食衛生不佳等問題,已漸轉變成營養不均衡、飲食習慣不佳等問題。國內外的調查均發現,兒童在蔬果及奶類食物的攝取低,但在零食、速食、甜飲料的攝取比例增加,長期攝取高熱量、低營養價值食品易造成肥胖、高血脂、心血管疾病等慢性疾病。國內外研究均顯示兒童的過重情形正顯著的上升,兒童期肥胖也已發現與成年後的肥胖有正相關。 飲食行為的形成受到許多因素的影響,兒童期的飲食習慣會延續至成年期,家庭飲食環境、教養行為等對兒童飲食行為影響最早,要瞭解這些因素的影響需自嬰兒期開始長時間的追蹤調查。本研究已完成第一階段2至5歲幼兒四年的追蹤,此為本研究之第二階段,擬以二年分二部分進行,第一部分為世代研究,以問卷調查方式持續追蹤6-7歲的學童,探討學童體型、飲食發展狀況及其與父母教養、家庭環境之關係。第二部分為生命歷程轉變影響之研究,第一年以質性訪談方式瞭解生命歷程轉變(上小學)對兒童飲食行為的影響及相關因素(學校飲食環境、生活作息、教師與同儕、學習與生活適應及壓力等),第二年以問卷方式進行調查,以更廣泛的瞭解兒童飲食行為改變與上小學此生命歷程轉變的關係,做為未來規劃教育介入之參考。 The shifting of Taiwanese’s living style has changed their eating behavior. Malnutrition and poor sanitary were no longer problems to them; but, in stead, imbalanced nutrition and inappropriate eating behavior become new problems they have to face to. Both international and national studies showed that children’s intakes of vegetable, fruit, and dairy product didn’t meet recommendations; on the other hand, children consumed more and more high calorie but low nutrient density food, these may be the causes of many chronic diseases. Studies also showed that the rate of children’s obesity is climbing up; and there is a positive relationship between children’s obesity and adults’ when they grow up. The development of eating behavior was affected by many factors. The eating behavior of early childhood will extend to of adulthood. Family food environment and parenting style has early impact on children’s eating behavior. In order to fully understand the impact of these factors, it is necessary to trace them from their infant stage. The first stage of the study was a four-years (from age 2 to 5) longitudinal study, this is the second stage of the study which is a two-years design. The study includes two parts: Part I: Longitudinal study—to explore the relationship between children’s body shape, eating behavior development, parent’s parenting style, and family environment. Related data will be collected through survey questionnaire, once a year for two years. Part II: Life course transitions study—to understand the influence of children’s life course transition (entering K-1) on eating behavior and related factors, including school food environment, life style, coping of school life and/or pressure from school work, interactions with teachers and peers. The data will be collected through qualitative interviewing and survey questionnaire. The results will be used for the development of intervention program of later study.