摘要: | 本論文之研究主題為「從嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎之流行探究我國勞動法制之因應與建議」,並以因應現下疫情狀況所制定的「防疫照顧假」為例作為探討議題的起點;以文獻分析、比較研究法等方式,希冀能理解我國對於防疫照顧假之制定歷程、緣由與其所期望產生的實務成效,進而深入探討其對我國勞動條件、及勞雇關係間所帶來之影響,並透過與他國防疫現況及措施之比較,找出可做為參考之優點。希望本篇論文能成為未來我國再次面對特殊傳染病時,欲修改或增設勞工權益時,得做為參考之有價值文章。
Entitled “A Study on the Response and Suggestion under Labor Standards Act from the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),” we discussed the epidemic prevention childcare leave policy established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through literature analysis and comparative research, we attempted to determine the development process of, the reasons for, and expected implementation results of Taiwan’s epidemic prevention childcare leave, thereby delving into the effect of said statutory benefit on labor conditions and labor–employment relations. Comparisons were made between Taiwan and other countries’ epidemic prevention status quo and measures to identify advantages that can be used as references. Findings of this study may hold reference value for the Taiwanese government in revising and establishing labor rights in response to subsequent emergences of novel communicable diseases.
This paper comprises into five sections. The first section, the Introduction, explains the research motivation and objectives as well as defines the research scope, briefing the content structure of each section. The end of this section details the research methods adopted and the data collection sources.
The second section explains and defines the new legal concept of epidemic prevention childcare leave based on its legislative basis. The basic labor rights and practical applications of other relevant leaves are also explained and discussed.
The third section details the implementation and dilemma of epidemic prevention childcare leave. Firstly, the implementation of epidemic prevention childcare leave is discussed to examine how Taiwan’s current legal system regulates said statutory benefit. Subsequently, dilemmas encountered during policy implementation and the relevant problems derived are addressed. Centering on epidemic prevention childcare leave, the discussion is further divided into two major topics, namely the employer’s obligation to provide leaves and to pay wages. Lastly, other legal issues arising from working from home as a preventive measure during the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed.
The fourth section begins by detailing Taiwan’s experience in combatting against the SARS epidemic, which may serve as references for this study. To expand the scope of discussion, we also collected and organized literature on China’s response measures and regulations related to epidemic prevention in the past and present.
Section five, the Conclusion, sums up the discussions in the preceding sections. Focusing on the idea of law revision to benefit both employers and employees, we hope to introduce innovative thoughts, ideas, and benefits achievable through future law revisions. |