本研究針對新北市某立案之私立幼兒園以有使用課後托育中心之家長為研究對象,採用普查抽樣的量化問卷調查方法,共有150名學童。本研究選擇採用家長問卷調查法蒐集相關資訊。基於本研究之重點在於廣泛的瞭解與蒐集家長對課後托育中心市場導向與服務品質之關係。研究工具包括下列四部份:1.有使用課後托育中心之家長特性調查表;2.鍾玉婷(2011)編製之市場導向量表;3.李家儀(2012)的安親班之服務品質將以Parasuraman, Zeithaml 及 Berry(1985)提出十項決定服務品質的因素中採用「有形性」、「可靠性」、「反應性」、「保證性」、「關懷性」等五大構面作為研究之服務品質量表。
This study adopts census survey to investigate Market Orientation and Quality of After-school Care Service. The total subjects are 150 parents with 100% return rate form one after-school care center in New Taipei City. The measurement tools included: 1. Parents demographic data; 2. Chung Yu-Ting’s Market Orientation Scale (2011); 3. Lee Chis-Yu’s Service Quality of After-school Daycare Scale.
Six conclusions are drawn in this study as followed:
1. There are high levels of internal consistency reliability in these two scales which show these two measurement tools can be testified by different sample as cross-validation.
2. “Information communication” is the highest and “information response” is the lowest among the subscales of Market Orientation.
3. “Response” is the highest and “physical configuration” is the lowest among the subscales of Service Quality of After-school Care.
4. Based of homogenous variance of selected subjects within the sane community, there are no significant differences existed between demographic and Market Orientation as well as Service Quality of After-school Care.
5. The subscales of Market Orientation are middle-low positively correlation with the subscales of Service Quality of After-school Care. Besides there are two group Canonical correlation existed between Market Orientation and Service Quality of After-school Care.
6. The best predictor subscale is “information communication” to subscales of Service Quality of After-school Care as explained variance between 39% and -58%.