本研究之目的為瞭解不同調節焦點(促進焦點VS.預防焦點)的消費者對於不同顏色(冷色系VS.暖色系)及類型(享樂性VS.實用性)產品之偏好與購買意圖之差異,並於研究方法中採便利抽樣方式蒐集問卷,於刪除無效問卷後,最後共計回收122份有效問卷,以作為研究分析之所用。接著,於問卷資料分析方面,本研究將使用統計分析套裝軟體SPSS 23.0進行樣本敘述性統計分析、信度分析,並且使用獨立樣本t檢定從事假說之檢定。本研究之結果發現,不同調節焦點(促進焦點VS.預防焦點)的消費者對於本研究中的不同顏色(冷色系VS.暖色系)及類型(享樂性VS.實用性)產品皆呈現不顯著的消費者偏好與購買意圖,以此作為商品開發者及銷售者從事策略擬定之參考依據。最後,關於本研究之研究限制與未來研究方向,亦將呈現於本論文中。
This study aims at investigating how the different regulatory foci (i.e. promotion focus of vs. prevention focus) influence product preferences and purchase intentions when they receive different colors (warm color vs. cool color) and product features (hedonic product vs. utilitarian products). Regarding to the research method, this study uses the convenient sampling to collect data. After deleting ineffective responses, a total of 122 effective samples are used for our analysis. Next, this study uses SPSS 23.0 to analyze the profile of samples and reliability as well as independent t test is used to test our hypotheses. Results find that different regulatory foci have no significant preferences and purchase intentions when they receive either hedonic products or utilitarian products. Based on the findings, product developers and the sellers can serve as the reference of strategy formulation. Finally, limitations and directions for future research are proposed in this study.