本研究主要目的是:一、檢驗國內青年學生政黨思維結構體的豐富性與完整性 ;二、驗證影響青年政黨思維結構體豐富性與完整性差異的各項背景因素。 研究方法主要採問卷調查,以全臺灣大學院校八十五學年度日間部一年級學生為母體 ,採多階段分層抽樣,計抽出二十七所大學,完成1391份有效問卷。 研究結果發現,國內大一學生的政黨思維結構體,在整體上並不十分豐富與完整;當 他們被要求回答有關國內三個主要政黨的正面與反面形象看法時,有相當比例的大一學生 完全沒有啟動任何政黨思維結構體。同時,大一學生收看晚間新聞的頻率愈高,他們對國 民黨、民進黨及新黨的政黨思維結構體就愈豐富與完整;政論雜誌閱讀量愈高的大一學生 ,對於三個政黨的正反看法就愈豐富與完整。 對於國民黨正面形象具備較豐富思維結構體的學生,他們的廣播新聞收聽頻率及上網 路看政治訊息的頻率,明顯的高於那些對於國民黨完全沒有正面形象認知的學生。 對國民黨負面形象較豐富與完整的學生,他們收看電視晚間新聞的頻率、閱讀報紙 的頻率、與政論雜誌閱讀頻率較高。 對民進黨正面形象的認知較豐富與完整的學生,在收看電視晚間新聞的頻率、閱讀報 紙的頻率、與上網看政治訊息的頻率較高。 對新黨負面形象認知較豐富與完整的學生,他們收看電視晚間新聞的頻率、閱讀報紙 的頻率、廣播新聞收聽頻率與政論雜誌閱讀頻率較高。
The study examined the party schemata of the three major political parties (Kuomingtang, Democratic Progressive Party, New Party) of college students. The main research questions included: 1) The diversity of college student's party schemata; 2) The correlation between college student's media use and the diversity of their party schemata 3) The major SEC factors affecting the differences of college student's party schemata. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1.391 college freshmen randomly selected from 28 universities. The results of the survey showed that college students had not have complete and well-established party schemata when they thought of the major traits of the three political parties. The results of the study showed that college student's with higher lever of evening news viewing had more diversified party schemata than students with lower level of evening TV news viewing. Also, college students with more political magazine reading had more diversified party schemata than students with less magazine reading. However no correlation was found between both the amount of newspaper reading and radio news listening and the diversity of party schemata. Results showed that students, who had higher amount of radio news listening have more positive perception of the KMT. Students who had more evening TV news viewing, newspaper reading and political magazine reading have more positive perception of the DPP.