本實驗係以Nylon/PET(70/30)超細纖維紡粘長纖不織布為基布,施以水性PU 浸漬處理,經壓吸、烘乾、架橋等步驟,藉由添加不同濃度的水性PU 來探討其加工布之物性研究,找出最佳的物性包括:硬挺度、破裂強力和摩擦以及拉伸強度,結果顯示當水性PU 濃度為20%時對織物的物性開始有明顯的改善,而濃度提升到40%時,物性又有更進一步的加強。
In this study, used Nylon / PET (70/30) ultra-fine fiber spunbond non-woven fabric for the fabric filament, Impregnated with water-based PU. The pressure absorption, drying, bridges and other steps. By adding different concentrations of water-based PU to investigate the physical properties of fabrics to find the best properties include: stiffness, burst strength and tensile strength and friction. The results showed that when the water-based PU was 20% of the physical properties of the fabric began to have significantly improved. The concentration increased to 40%, the properties have further strengthened.