隨著科技的快速發展,許多產品具有「網路外部性」(network externalities)的特徵。除了此一特徵外,在同一產業中各家產品聞的品質也存在相當的差異性。有鑑網路外部性及產品品質差異性是許多產品所共有的特徵,近年來文獻上已有一些研究探討同時存在這兩個特性下的產品市場均衡。值得注意的是,不同品質改善成本的設定是影響廠商選擇均衡品質的關鍵因素,但是現有文獻卻對此關鍵無太多著墨。有鑑於此,本文的主要目的就是要建立一個整合網路外部性與產品品質差異性兩種特質的一般化模型,以探討不同品質改善成本的設定會如何影響廠商選擇均衡的品質與價格,以及對社會福利水準之影響等議題。
In recent years, because of ”network externalities” and ”vertical product differentiation” observed in many newly emerged industries, there has been some literature the behavior of the duopoly market with vertically differentiated goods and network externalities. In this paper, we set up a game theoretic model, which captures the network externalities and vertical product differentiation, and call for a rigorous investigation over different quality improvement cost scenarios. The paper then investigates the equilibrium qualities, prices, mark shares and social welfare induced by various scenarios.