Abstract: | 目前國內的康復之家(Recovery Home)所提供的中途站角色,成為慢性精神障礙者最適當的復建與照顧處所。然而,由於康復之家自身的條件限制、社會大眾對於精神疾病的認知不足,以及政府法令適當性有待檢討,使得康復之家面臨一些難以解決的困難。
本研究採取質性研究方法,選取H康復之家為對象,以深度訪談為主,並以文件分析、參與式觀察為輔。本研究以立意取樣方式,訪談對象包括H康復之家負責人、專業人員、專任管理員,以及若干位住民(Recovery Home residents)。
研究發現,H康復之家對住民提供的復健訓練已經獲得具體成果;該康家對於住民提供的復健訓練包含獨立生活訓練、社交技巧訓練及就業訓練等三大面向。在獨立生活能力訓練方面,使大部分住民已經能夠更獨立自主的面對生活。特別是該康家的復健照護、管理模式,以及復健方案之推動,有效降低了住民入住康家而產生之退化現象。在社交技巧訓練方面,H康家的住民與同儕、工作人員之間互動良好,使住民擁有溫暖的復健環境,也因而帶來更多的支持力量,對於住民的復健形成正面的作用。在就業輔導方面,H康家積極提供就業諮詢、媒合社區復健工作機會。同時,安排個別諮商,協助住民處理其工作壓力及困難。目前,H康家住民已經就業住民人數達全體住民的51 %。同時,H康家定期召開家屬座談會等活動,讓家屬了解住民的近況,以強化家庭支持力量。另外,H康家定期讓住民到社區中從事清潔打掃工作,藉以增加住民與社區民眾的互動,有助於住民融入社區的生活方式。
Recently the recovery home has become the appropriate mid-way rehabilitation institute for chronic psychiatry patients. However, recovery home may have some struggles due to conditional limit of itself, insufficient cognitions for psychiatry of public, and some other legally problems.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the rehabilitation experience and relative difficulties of recovery home. We anticipate to figure out the problems and influences of recovery home through this study, and provide some recommendations for institutes and governments based on the results.
We use the qualitative method, including interviews, paper records, and jointed observations. Study recruited workers and residents from H recovery home, which found that the rehabilitations training for residents has practically work. This recovery home provides independent, social and occupational training, and made residents live in a more independent way. Especially the progressions of rehab care, management and policies could improve the degradations of residents effetely. Also, the residents have adequate interactions with peers and workers, which give a well recovery environments, more supports and positive influences.
The H recovery home aggressively provides occupational counsel and opportunity for local rehabilitation jobs. Meanwhile, it arranges individual counseling to deal with relative pressures and difficulty, and the occupational rate of H recovery home is 51% so far. H recovery home has regular appointments for residents and families, which give a chance for families to understand the situations and increase the supports of residents.
H recovery home would have routine locally cleaning affairs to interact with people living around, which makes residents involve easily.
This study found that H recovery home may have problems about insufficient family support, lack of social resources and less acknowledge of public for psychiatry.
Based on the results, the following recommendations are suggested: First, the establishment of holistic care models. Second, the revise of The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Third, strengthen the professionalism and attitude of professionals. Fourth, strengthen public awareness for mental illness. Fifth, review the appropriation of the rehabilitation system. |