摘要: | 本研究者於多年的教學經驗中,了解學習者雖然學習了疑問代詞的非疑問用法,但卻不常用於言談中,亟想了解其原因,並尋求解決之道。因此以自己所教的中級華語學習者,進行補救教學的研究。以八個常用的疑問代詞:「什麼」、「誰」、「哪裡」、「什麼時候」、「多少」、「幾+量詞」、「哪+量詞」、「怎麼」,做為研究範圍,根據重理解的課程設計逆向設計理念為基礎,設計整個研究過程。在實施整個研究之前,首先製作研究工具,為了測出學習者是不是能自然的說出應該用疑問代詞非疑問用法的句子,經過了多次的試驗、修改和對母語者的測試,以及先導研究,最後才定出二十四個語境短片,以此做為前測、後測、宕後測的工具。對學習者實際的研究從前測開始,在做過前測之後,即對八個疑問代詞,分四個單元進行補救教學,同時也做了四次中測,了解學習者的學習歷程。結束補救教學之後即進行後測,間隔一個月之後做宕後測。然後在該學期結束之後的八個月,為了了解學習者對此語法點的內化狀況,再次找到這個班級的學習者,進行語法正誤判斷的測驗,做為宕宕後測。從前測到做完宕宕後測,前後歷時約十一個月。研究結果顯示補救教學確實提升了學習者對疑問代詞非疑問用法的使用率,並且從學習者的各項測驗成績和答題語料分析,了解學習者對各疑問代詞的習得狀況,讓教學者了解哪些疑問代詞較容易造成學習者的困難,同時也肯定了補救教學對學習者的助益。
Based on many years of teaching experience, the researcher realizes that although students learn about the non-interrogatory usage of interrogative pronouns, they seldom apply it in conversations. In order to understand the reasons behind this finding and figure out a solution for it, the researcher studies remedial teaching through the intermediate Mandarin learners the researcher teaches. The entire investigation is designed based on Backward Design in “Understanding by Design” (UbD), using eight popular interrogative pronouns; "what," "who," "where," "when," "how much," how many," "which," "how;" as the premise of the study. The first step is making the tool for this investigation. In order to test if the learners can naturally produce sentences that require the non-interrogatory usage of interrogative pronouns, the researcher goes through many experiments, modifications, pilot studies, and tests for the native speakers, and then finally come up with twenty-four contextual video clips. These clips are the tools for pretest, post-test and follow-up test. After the pretest, the researcher begins the four-part remedial teaching targeting eight interrogative pronouns, and, at the same time, conducts four formative-tests to understand the learning process of the learners. Eight months after the semester ends, the learners are recalled for a grammar test to understand their internalization of this grammar, and such is the redesigned follow-up test for the second time. The entire investigation, from the beginning of pretest to the completion of the final test, takes about eleven months. The result shows that the remedial teaching raises the rate of the learners’ non-interrogatory usage of interrogative pronouns. The analyses of the learners’ testing scores and language material also help the instructor realize the learners’ understanding of each interrogative pronoun and find out those interrogative pronouns that cause more trouble during the learning process. These analyses confirm the benefits of remedial teaching. |