摘要: | 職災救濟之相關理論,主要聚焦於勞雇關係、勞資爭議、經濟分析、法律分析等主要面向。其中在勞雇方面大多探討發生職業災害後,勞工與資方彼此之運作。其次在勞資爭議上,勞資之關係,每因賠償而生爭議,故政府須扮演相當重要的角色,所以勞資爭議面向,旨在探討政府處理職業災害之制度,幫助勞雇平和解決之方法與影響。至於經濟分析,其所涉層面較廣,以勞工災害後生活、企業經營及社會整體角度進行探討,分析職業災害對經濟有形或無形的損失。另法制方面著重行政法規、法理分析及法律救濟制度作為探討,並以職業災害救濟制度之問題、職業災害之認定及行政司法之規範來延伸這些法制的救濟體系、規範,同涉行政機關與司法機關之運行。
The theories behind workplace accident relief are focused upon the major aspects of employee-employer relationships, labor-management disputes, economic analysis, and legal analysis. Of which, employee-employer aspects mostly investigate the mutual relationships and activities between laborers and management after workplace accidents. Labor-management disputes also arise as a result of the compensation provided. Hence, the government play a necessary and critical role in settling these disputes. The aspect of labor-management disputes would thus focus on government systems established to handle the said disputes to arrive at a amenable solution and its subsequent impact. Economic analysis involves more areas. Major perspectives considered include life after the workplace accident, corporate management, and overall social impacts in order to analyze the both the tangible and intangible losses dealt to the economy as a result of the workplace accident. Legal aspect is focused upon the study of administrative laws, jurisprudent analysis, and legal relief policies, using questions posed by the workplace accident relief system, workplace accident definitions, and administrative justice regulations to expand these legal relief systems. Legal aspect is also concerned with the operations of administrative and judicial agencies.
Workplace accident relief developments are heavily influenced by political, economic, social, and cultural factors. These factors include the administrative capacity of the competent authority, competition between political parties, legislative processes of labor laws, overall economic status of the country, direction of labor movements, motivations for demanding workplace accident compensation by the affected employee, degree of support provided by the judicial departments, impact to the cost of business operations as a result of the compensation, incidence of workplace accidents and ability for the workplace accident victim to return to the workplace or seek subsequent employment.
The motivations of this research is to review whether current government attitude, comprehensiveness of labor laws, actual administrative processes and support provided by the competent authority, and mandatory compensation and responsibilities of the employer for employees who are victims of workplace accidents are sufficient and capable of providing effective relief. The objective of this study is to implement systematic and multi-faceted investigation to study the adequacy of current workplace accident relief system and the benefits provided by the system in order to assist employees who are victims of workplace accidents and to make sure that families encountering economic difficulties as a result of such accidents receive adequate care. This will harmonize employee-employer relationships so that both parties can work together to boost economic development, create a stable and safe social environment, and enhance the improvement of the national labor laws.
The workplace disaster relief system constructed in this paper mainly involves the three secondary relief systems that include economic governance, social welfare governance, and administrative and judicial governance. These three secondary systems interact with each other, with the government being in the center in handling occupational disaster relief issues. For this investigation, the author utilized literature analysis as well as in-depth interviews. |