資訊科技可為組織帶來工作效率和直接利益是被廣泛認同的,若資訊科技的疏忽或資訊服務中斷異常所導致的損害,更會讓一般使用者或管理階層較無法接受。所以,過去政府在房屋實價登錄、eTag國道收費及戶役政資訊系統上線時,所連續發生之新聞事件,面對民眾與企業的政府機關資訊系統與網路服務的服務中斷或資料錯誤等事故,更凸顯出資訊服務管理的重要性。因此,對於公部門資訊單位導入資訊服務管理模式,即成為一項重要的研究課題。本研究主要探討ITIL流程導入公部門資訊單位的可行性,進行策略性評估,透過已成功導入的個案來加以分析,以ITIL的實際導入過程所遇到的問題及導入後的效益推導出研究結論,及以PDCA 管理思維輔助程序的管控,提出導入ITIL資訊服務管理流程之參考模式建議。
Information technology can bring efficiency and direct benefits to organizations. This idea is agreed and widely shared. That is why; it is harder for users or the management to accept it when they suffer the damages caused by negligence of information technology or interruption of information services. In the past our Government faces the public concerns when the information system goes live like the housing prices login, eTag national road charging and conscription administration information system online. News events occur in a row, reporting interruption accidents or data errors of the Government organ information system and network service. Those highlight the importance of the management of information services. Therefore, when import management mode of information service for public sector information unit has become a major research topic. This study focused on the feasibility of ITIL processes imported to information units of public sector, conducted a strategic assessment through analyzing cases that were successfully imported. This research conclusion is conducted form the discussion of problems when actually importing of the ITIL process will faces and the benefits after importing will gets. And proposed recommendations for the model of importing ITIL information service management process with the control of PDCA management auxiliary programs.