As a representative poet of the mid-to late Tang Dynasty, Lee Shang-yin is renowned for his poetry with complex imageries that bring into dialogue the origin of the universe, natural orders and aesthetics. This research focuses on imageries of snow to analyze Lee's poetic sensitivity to natural phenomena. It begins by reviewing imageries of snow in Tang literature and it induces that the disaster-abnormality of snow and its aestheticized imageries are appeals for order. Since climatic disorder influences the development of civilization, human beings attempt to reconstruct ideal order and harmony by their imaginations and reinterpretations. By cross-referencing poetic works by Lee and by other poets of the era, the research argues that the imageries of snow were represented within this aesthetic framework. The research also discusses the significance of being for snow in Lee's ”yon wu” poems, poems on the description of objects, from the aspects of ”chun-wu” and ”wu-hua.”