Purpose: To clarify the discursive feature and perspective of logic of periodization and block system models in macrocycle theory, this paper provides multiple theoretical perspectives for Taiwanese sport training field. Methods: It adopts literature review analysis, and clarifies the historical context development of different sport macrocycle models and the result of academic debates as well as further compares these different models. Results: The periodization model divides macrocycle into preparatory period, competitive period and transition period. These three periods aim at different tasks. While each period's training volume and intensity ratio is different, the contrast between general training and specific training is also varied. The block system model consists of blocks with different tasks. There is the tendency to choose a few organic mechanism elements, which have great influence on the result of selected sport events, in order to improve them by increasing intensity and to evaluate the training efficiency from the contest. Conclusion: Although the establishment of block system model is quite recent, and makes no threat to the status of periodization model, the block system has great research potential, and will be a new opportunity for sport training theory research in Taiwan. Clarifying the characteristic of different theoretical models of sport macrocycle will help Taiwanese sport coaches to choose the appropriate theoretical model as the guidance of making macrocycle plan.