摘要: | 本研究是在台北內雙溪流域 ,屬於亞熱帶闊葉林生態系,在5月至10月的豐水期因梅雨及颱風帶來豐沛的雨量,而九月強烈的東北季風,攜帶大量的懸浮顆粒,進入流域內。2012年六月至2013年九月,每月採樣一次。利用分光光度
氣候、降雨、流域面積,人為開發等因素,都會影響河川的輸送。採樣受下列颱風的影響,泰利颱風(2012年6月21日)、蘇拉颱風(2012年8月2日)、天秤颱風( 2012年8月22日),蘇利颱風(2013年7月11日),康芮颱風(2013
年8月20日),潭美颱風(2013年8月27日) 。而由於颱風夾帶大量雨水,會有稀釋作用,磷酸鹽濃度明顯的上升。在2012年6月、8月,跟2013九月強烈的東北季風,帶進大量的懸浮物,致溪水中。
The research area is in Neishuangxi River Basin in this study, it is belonged to the subtropical broadleaf forest ecosystem, the wet season of plum rain and typhoon will bring heavy rain from May to October in this region, and the strong northeast monsoon in September carries large amounts of suspended particles into the basin during the wet season. Samples are taken once every month from June of 2012 to September of 2013. Phosphate and silicate are measured and analyzed by using spectroscopic analyzer. Phosphate content is affected by dry season and wet season in alternation, phosphate concentration will be lower when typhoon arrives.
The climate, rainfall, drainage area and human cultivation all affected the river outputs.Typhoons affected Taiwan during sampling period were typhoon Talim on June 21, typhoon Soala on August 2 and typhoon Tembin on August 22 in 2012, and typhoon Soulik on July 11, typhoon Kong-rei on August 20 and typhoon Trami on August 27in 2013.And due to lots of rain water were entrained by typhoon, there will be a dilution effect, in June and August of 2012 and in September of 2013,strong northeast monsoon brought into lots of suspended solids,and leading to the phosphate concentration in the streamwater increased obviously.
Silicate was affected by weathering of rocks, silicon concentration was scoured off by scrubbing and leaching of rain water on weathered rocks and the silicon concentration was almost within 7 and 1000μM.
Inorganic carbon
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) mainly comes from CO2, and carbonate salts in the atmosphere, it mainly includes CO2, CO3 2- and HCO3 -. Main formation processes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) are rock weathering, decomposition of soil organic matters and cellular respiration of aquatic organisms. |