摘要: | 本研究旨在探究國中生知覺祖輩教養參與、子職角色與祖孫親密感間的關係。其中探討國中生之祖孫親密感,是否會因性別、年齡、居住距離、接觸頻率、與(外)祖、父母輩之關係等不同而有差異,以及祖孫親密感是否會因知覺祖輩教養參與及子職角色的知覺與實踐的不同而有差異。
本研究於 2013 年 1 月進行施測,採分層抽樣後再進行便利取樣的問卷調查方式,問卷題目共76題。研究對象為臺北市 102 學年度在學公立國中學生,總計回收997份有效問卷。根據問卷調查所得資料以描述性統計、t 考驗、變異數分析、K-means集群分析、皮爾森積差相關分析法及多元迴歸分析進行統計分析。研究結果如下:
一、 國中生背景變項中「年齡」、「與祖輩的居住距離」、「與祖輩的接觸頻率」、以及「與(外)祖、父母輩之關係」,在祖孫親密感上有顯著差異 (p < .05)。
二、 國中生知覺祖輩教養參與、子職角色的知覺與實踐程度,在祖孫親密感上有顯著差異 (p < .05)。
三、 國中生知覺祖輩教養參與、子職角色的知覺與實踐程度,對祖孫親密感有顯著正相關 (α= .52 - .64, .20 - .29, .25 - .37, p < .05)。
四、 國中生背景變項的「(外)祖母的關係」、「最常互動的(外)祖父母之居住距離」和「最常互動的(外)祖父母之互動頻率」對祖孫親密感有顯著預測力 (R2 = .28)。
五、 國中生知覺祖輩教養的「關懷行為」和「管控行為」二個向度、子職角色知覺程度的「回饋溝通」向度、及子職角色實踐程度的「回饋溝通」和「獨立」向度,對祖孫親密感有顯著預測力 (R2 = .41, .08, .14)。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the perceived grandparents’ involvement, filial role, and intergenerational relationship closeness among grandchildren. The researcher also attempted to examine the effects of gender, age, living distance, contact frequency, and parent-child relationships on intergenerational relationship closeness between grandparents and grandchildren.
Questionnaire method was used to conduct the empirical research on Junior High School Students in Taipei City in the academic year of 2013. The researcher used convenience sampling procedure to recruit participants. A total of 997 valid questionnaires were obtained. The questionnaire consists of 76 items and the instruments include “demographic information,” “grandparents’ involvement scale,” “filial perception and conduct scale,” and “relationship closeness scale between grandparents and grandchildren.” The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, K-means clustering, Pearson’s correlations, and multiple regression. Findings were concluded as follows:
1. Significant differences were found on intergenerational relationship closeness on age, living distance, contact frequency, and parent-child relationship (p < .05).
2. Significant differences were found on intergenerational relationship closeness on perceived grandparents’ involvement, and filial role and conduct (p < .05).
3. Significant positive relationships were found between perceived grandparents’ involvement, and filial role and conduct (α = .52 - .64, .20 - .29, .25 - .37, p < .05).
4. Significant predictive power of intergenerational relationship closeness was found on “degrees of close relationships with grandmothers,” “living distance between the grandparents who had the most frequent interactions with the participant,” and “frequency of interactions between the grandparents who had the most frequent interactions with the participant” (R2 = .29).
5. Significant predictive power of intergenerational relationship closeness was also found on perceived grandparents’ involvements, and perceived filial roles and conducts (R2 = .41, .08, .14).
The researcher provide related feedback and suggestions to parents, schools, educational agencies, and interested researchers based on research findings. |