摘要: | 「如果你是一位律師,你會為陳進興辯護嗎?如果你明明知道你的當事人,犯了滔天大罪,你還會接受委任當他的辯護律師嗎?如果他拿了兩千萬美金要你幫他辯護,你會因此接受委任當他的辯護律師嗎?」一位律師在法律系一年級的班上,對著同學提出思考性的問題。此時的同學呆望的互看著,矛盾的沒有人舉手贊成與回應。律師表情凝重的說:「無論是好人或是十惡不赦的大壞人,身為律師的你,都有義務與責任要替他辯護。因為無論是好人與壞人,它們都一樣享有人權,都受到憲法的保障,無一可例外」。換句話說,身為一位律師,無論當事人被控訴何等殘暴的重大犯罪,他在法律上的權利仍需要獲得保障,這就是民主價值的重要基石之一,不但是律師該做的事情,也是檢察官發現真實不可忽視的客觀性義務,以及法官對於審理案件時,需以無罪推定為基本原則的態度,皆是訴訟鐵三角必須清楚認知且為首要重任。
本論文以Hans Kelsen的實效性論點作為探討,是指有效性之法規範,在事實上是否被實際遵守或被實際運用。實效性是有效性之法規範實際上所產生的效果,惟有效性的法規範,卻不見得具有實效性,即「法律的實效性是法律有效性的條件,而不是理由」。《律師倫理規範》、《法官倫理規範》與《檢察官倫理規範》,是分別依照《律師法》與《法官法》授權而制定,是屬於具有法律或準法律性質之有效性規範。然而為什麼有效的法律倫理規範,實際上無法被人們的實際行為所服從、遵守與適用的情形,即是實效性的問題所在。
Do you believe in Judicial Justice? Imagine yourself as a lawyer, standing between the crossroad, would you choose to defend for those who you believe guilty and should be punished? How would you choose if your client offer a great deal of money?
Law school students are those who are eager and passionate for public affairs, upholding social Justice and democracy. Students are to be told by their teachers that the right thing to do is to speak for anyone, no matter what circumstances and positions they are into, since all men are entitled to human rights and protected by the fundamental right under the constitution. However, the real world seems to be cruel, as bribery rates becomes higher than ever in our judicial system and legal sphere. What has happened to our judicial ethics? What has changed our preference? And what could we learn from our experience when we face a critical decision in judging what's the right thing to do?
Legal ethics was firstly sought and discussed as ethical rules for attorney, and Judicial Ethics was latter to be developed. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the effectiveness of normative rules in Legal Ethics, mainly on the legislations of The Republic of China. Cases and decision of the discipline committee for lawyers, judges and prosecutors would be analyzed and taken into account. The legislations used for reference are the "Lawyers Act", "Code of Ethics for Lawyers", "Judges Act", "Code of Ethics for Judges" and the "Code of Ethics for the Prosecutors".
This thesis sets its view by analyzing whether the Code of Ethics are taken into consideration. The Code of Ethics are legislations authorized by the Lawyers and Judges Act, which are at the same level of hierarchy as other legal acts. However, these valid rules are often inapplicable and disobeyed in practice, which brings us to the question concerning the effectiveness of the law - the efficacy of a legal order.
The efficacy doctrine was introduced by Hans Kelsen, who saw the effectiveness of a legal order as conditions for validity, but not a reason for the validity of the grundnorm and the individual norm. By setting the view In Kelsen's footsteps, this thesis seeks to explain the status of these legislations by analyzing how judicial authorities and lawyers meet their moral dilemma, while choosing between to obey the rules, or to fulfill their own interest by disobeying them.
By analyzing through the cases of the discipline committee and other related types of obligation that had been violated, this thesis tends to provide a suitable answer to solve question of effectiveness and gain a fruitful lesson while figuring out the puzzles. The research on Legal Ethics may not provide a better chance to enhance the obedience of morality standards, but could definitely apply an understanding of common beliefs, shaping a social value which should not be underestimated. Thus, Legal Ethics demands great develop, urges compliance and the need of applying humanistic factors in respecting social society. |