燃油附加費(BAF)的徵收與其收費方式是否合理,讓航商與託運人之間爭論不休。本研究非探討有關BAF徵收合理性的問題,而是承認現行BAF既存的事實。除了燃油總體價格之外,定期航商因為企業經營環境變動、政治情勢轉移與自然資源的消長,於是航商也必須採用不同的策略以因應油價的波動與航行速度。本研究採用Containerisation International Yearbook所公佈的16家大型國際海運公司的航程表,比較他們在2002年低油價時期與2008年高油價時期各主要東西航線的航行時間。航行時間的差異可以間接被用來檢測航運業者是否因為油價調整航行的速度。本研究以統計模式檢測兩個不同年度之間,航行時間是否具有顯著性的差異存在。
There is a difference between shipping industry and other industries in charging
methods. Owing to the commercial ventures, carriers would charge shippers many
kinds of surcharges other than ocean freight rate. The rising oil price in recent years
has had significant effect on the price of marine fuel oil. It is hardly surprising that
carriers started using Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF) in 2002 to hedge the risk
arising from bunker price.
BAF has always been a bond of contention between carriers and shippers, and it
has already been one of the main obstacles to the dialog between both parties. In
addition to the overall price of fuel, the business environment changes, the political
situation and the transfer of growth and decline of natural resources, shipping
companies must adopt different strategies to cope with the volatility of oil prices and
the speed of navigation. By examining the trade routes of Asia to Europe and Asia to
North America published by Containerization International Yearbook during the
period 2002~ 2008, we could find the relationship between the price of marine fuel oil
on vessels’ sailing speed.