本研究嘗試以含有乙烯颯(vinyl sulfone)反應官能基的分散性染料來染聚丙烯織物,一方面利用含不飽和雙鍵的染料與聚丙烯纖維的烯基發生反應,另一方面水解後反應型分散性染料亦可與拒水性的聚丙烯纖維作用。為增進上色,加入胺基酸助劑助染,結果顯示加入溶胺酸(DL-lysine)胺基酸助劑的上色率最高提升38%、而加入精胺酸(L-arginine)胺基酸助劑的上色率最高提升19%,兩者上色率均高於染料單獨染色的最高上色率(5% owf)。且經此染色織物的水洗堅牢度也略為上升。
Disperse dyes with vinyl sulfone reactive group was attempted to apply on polypropylene(PP) fabrics. While dyeing, the unsaturated vinyl sulfone functional group of dyes reacted with double bond end group of PP fibers. Meanwhile the hydrolyzed dyes interacted absorbed by the hydrophobic PP fiber. In this study, DL-lysine and L-arginine amino acids were added to the dyebath for dyeing improvement. With this addition, the color yield of dyed fabrics did increase 38% for lysine and 19% for arginine, these are even higher than the highest color yield whichdyes can be reached alone. The wash fastness of dyed fabrics also improved.