摘要: | 本文共分七章:第一章闡述中國文化的博大精深及其獨到之處,並強調中西文化,彼此互為表裡,相互印證更能發揮它的可貴之處;第二章分別申述中國畫的特質,著重於形、神、氣韻與意境上的追求;第三章述及傳統西方繪畫反應出的寫實的追求、形式與內容的掌握、及它的演變;第四章則依主題分述中西繪畫立意與表現的不同,並論述兩者繪畫構成與組合及彼此間的關係;第五章針對水墨及水彩所用媒材:畫筆、顏料和紙張的種類及性質,分別作說明與比較其表現效果的異同;第六章為結論;第七章是創作理念論述以及作品解析。水彩與水墨是筆者所常運用的媒材,透過對實景實物的描繪與個人主觀意念的傳達,從中探索兩者素材的關聯,並繼續發揮尋求可能性。全文內容個別論述,章節彼此相關,所用及的研究方法為-交互驗證法、資料搜集法、歸納分析法與個別論述法。
This thesis is divided into five chapters:
The first chapter elaborates on the profound magnitude and the extensive impacts of Chinese culture, highlighting its uniqueness and the fusion of western and eastern cultural heritages, thus formulating an integrated entity of form and content, providing mutual evidences in support of the revelation of their preciousness.
Chapter Two manifests that Chinese painting is partially characterized by giving particular importance to the pursuit of shape, spirit, disposition, and artistic conception.
Chapter Three indicates that traditional Western Painting reflects the pursuit for realism, the capture of form and content, and its evolution.
Chapter Four accentuates the thematic distinctions in the motivations and presentations between the Chinese and Western paintings, addressing their artistic constitutions, combination, and their mutual relationship.
Chapter Five demonstrates the nature of painting brushes, painting colors, and painting papers, illustrating the differences between Chinese and Western painting materials by citing frequently-used materials.
In Chapter Six, we shall conduct the survey and summery for the thesis for an articulated integration and conclusion.
Chapter Seven features Discourse on Creation, highlighting specific analysis on the author’s works, with particular emphasis on materials frequently employed such as watercolor-painting and ink-painting. Through the realistic depiction of landscape and object and the conveyance of the individual subjective conception, we shall explore the connection between these two materials, and proceed to seek for the potentiality of development. The thesis is composed of separate discourses; yet the chapters are mutually-affiliated. The methodologies adopted include Cross Validation, Data Collection, Inductive Analysis, and Individual Discourse. |