Entrepreneurship is an important behavior for driving economic development. The researchers indicated that women's human resources if used effectively boost the coun-try's overall economy and the development of a considerable help. Business perform-ance of entrepreneurs is often used to identify the business is success or not. There are many varieties of factors which can affect the business performance. Based on litera-tures, this study integrated female entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial training and business performance as the key points of this paper.
The subjects had trained the female entrepreneurs in the Green Founder. By send-ing e-mail survey, 350 questionnaires were sent and 67 of which are valid. The valid response rate is 19.14%. Results of the research include: both entrepreneurial training and business performance have their positive influences on the female entrepreneurial motivation; entrepreneurial training shows its influence on business performance in a positive way; When entrepreneurial training is the mediator, the results show that: the entrepreneurial training has a mediating effect upon the relationship between the female entrepreneurial motivation and business performance.