The competency has the positive effects on employees, and it is also an important factor for higher performance – Meanwhile employees showing appropriate emotional labor will help organizations achieve higher performance. However, there is no research literature focus on the relation between competency and emotional labor. Because of call center staffs are high emotional labor, therefore this research attempts to shade the light on the effects of competency and emotional labor of call center staffs.
This research first uses the staffs in the T Bank 24hr call center as the sample to discuss the attributes of competency and emotional labor, and then discuss the possible implementation for management and organization development.
The results reveal that knowledge has positive effect on surface acting, but has no effect on deep acting; Skills has no effect both on surface acting and deep acting; Self-concept has positive effect on surface acting and deep acting; Traits has positive effect on surface acting and deep acting; Motive has no effect on surface acting, but has positive effect on deep acting.
Call center is emphasized on customer and service oriented, therefore its employees will need to implement appropriate emotional at work to deal with customers. This study shows that when employees engage different competency level, they will have different emotional labor.