摘要: | 近年來由於都市熱島效應愈趨嚴重,使得都市氣候產生高溫化、乾燥化、日射量減少、雲量增多、霧日增多、降雨量微增、平均風速降低及空氣污染等問題,進而威脅到都市人口生活環境的舒適度。不過都市熱島效應深深受到都市地理特性與都市規模的影響,故無法完全借鏡國外之研究成果用以解釋台灣的熱島效應。本研究鑑於如此,欲建構屬於本土化的熱島研究。
In recent years because of worsening urban heat-island effect, causing increased temperature, desiccation, reduced insolation, increased cloud cover, increased foggy days, slight increase of rainfall, lower average wind speed and more serious air pollution in the urban environment, posing a threat to urban life comfort. Because geographical characteristics and urban scale affects the urban heat-island effect, results from foreign research cannot be directly applied to the heat-island effect in Taiwan.
The change in urban surface fabric with urban development has lead to increased sensible heat, causing a strong impact on the urban thermal environment. Most previous studies only explore the relationship between the urban environment attributes and air temperature. In this study, the relationship between the surface-temperature in the urban environment and the urban thermal environment is studied, using Taipei City as the main observation base. We selected different urban environments to conduct surveys, and used motorcycles to obtain mobile measurements of air temperature and an infrared sensor to obtain environmental surface-temperature (walls, signs, cars, motorcycles, roads, etc.). Measurements were taken in summer and winter, to explore the relationship between urban environment surface-temperature and urban thermal environment. Statistical methods were then used to set up a model describing the relationship between urban environmental factors, environmental surface-temperature and air temperature, which can then be incorporated into urban environmental design criteria for new and old communities. This study focused on three: (1) The factor affect the temperature and surface temperature. (2) The factor affect the relationship between temperature and surface temperature. (3) The relationship between temperature and street blocks attributes. From the above results. Temperatures will be affected by climate, street blocks attributes and buildings surface material. The relationship with Sun shade and the amount of additional material between temperature is more obvious. This study proposes the following recommendations: (1) Increase shade area. (2) Reduce additional material in the street blocks. (3) Increase the green cover rate. |